Our Members

Searching for an Architect? Look no further than the members of AIA Hilton Head Island!

Architect Members

Atkins, James | Court Atkins Group

Benton, David | Benton architecture + interiors AIA HHI Executive Committee Secretary / Creative Director

Beste, Greg

Bonner, Allison | Pearce Scott Architects

Brown, Andrew | Andrew Brown Architect AIA HHI Executive Committee President-Elect

Buckner, Glen | Allegion

Cordes, Ed | Perkins & Will

Court, William | Court Atkins Group

DePauw, Joseph | DePauw Architects AIA HHI Executive Committee Treasurer

DePauw, Lydia | DePauw Architects AIA HHI Executive Committee Past President

Feldman, Kris | CREO Architecture and Interiors AIA HHI Executive Committee Communications Director

Fraley, Andi

Gentemann, Michael | g-2 design

Gentemann, Stephanie | g-2 design

Goodwin, Evan | Pearce Scott Architects

Gordon, Neil | Neil Gordon Arch.

Gray, April | April Gray Architect

Johnson, Robert | Johnson & Associates Architects

Kronimus, Mike | KRA

Lamb, Amanda | Amanda Lamb Architects

Montgomery, Robert | Montgomery Architecture & Planning

Murray, David | DB Murray

Newman, Joel | Thomas & Denzinger Architects

Ogden, Dan | D.L. Ogden Architecture AIA HHI Executive Committee President

Ogden, James | James Ogden, Architect AIA HHI Low Country Director

Parker, Tom | Parker Design Group

Pellegrino, Michael

Probst, Timothy | Parker Design Group

Robinson, Brent | Brent Robinson Architect

Robinson, Jim | JYR Architect, PC

Rosser, Terry | J. Terrill Rosser

Ruegamer, Mike | Group 3

Scott, Pearce | Pearce Scott Architects

Sherratt, Peter

Sodemann, Scott | Sodemann Architects, Inc.

Stark, Jonathan | J. Newell Architecture

Strecker, Dale | Hord Coplan Macht

Talka, Jeffrey

Taylor, Barry | Hord Coplan Macht

Tedford, Robert | Robert Tedford, AIA

Vacarro, Michael | Vaccaro Architecture, Inc

Woods, Grady | Grady Woods Architect

Woodward, David

Associate Members

Bielanin, Samantha| Pearce Scott Architects

Crumrine, Megan

Denmark, Amanda | Pearce Scott Architects

Hamilton, Richard | Neil Gordon Architect

Knuth, Steven | Court Atkins

McKenzie, Myles | Myles Nelson McKenzie Design

Randolph, Ashley

Smith, Taylor | Hord Coplan Macht

Wilkins, Christine

Members Emeritus

Baker, Don

Braun, John

Carter, Steve

Crews, Tom

Lee, Jake

Martelli, Leonard

Sidford, Henry

Smeltz, Dennis