Our Mission:

Design matters

Whether you’re searching for an architect on Google or calling one based on a recommendation, it’s important to know what questions to ask and how your architect will benefit your specific project. Once you’ve gained a deeper understanding of the skill set architects have, you’ll see why your residential, commercial, or community project needs the input of a design professional.



There is no recorded evidence that an architect has ever bitten a client. This is just one of the strange ideas people have about architects. Here are some others…

An Architect is a Luxury I Can’t Afford.


Architect’s fees are not just added on top of your project costs. They can save you money in many ways.

Architects can oversee your budget and negotiate to get the best materials and best workmanship at the lowest price. They can reduce heating bills by finding a way to make a building save energy. They can turn a difficult lot - with a good price - into a successful building site. They can spend time planning so that, as your ideas evolve, they can make changes you want on paper - much cheaper than later when construction is underway. They can make sure bids for construction are based on exactly the same requirements so you really do get the lowest price. They can find parts of the project you can do yourself, or show you how to act as your own contractor.

Architects Just Draw.


Today, the best answer to the question "What do architects do?" may be "What do you want them to do?" Renovation? Energy analysis? Site selection? Interiors? Cost analysis?

Architects can add a porch, a skylight-or design a complete house. They can adapt an old building to a new use, and keep its character. They can provide cost estimates. They can make a building safe for occupancy. They can fit a building to a difficult site. They can find skillful craftspeople. They can enlarge a house so you no longer need to move.* Or they can just talk to you about what you want your house to be.

All I need are four walls and a roof… I don’t need an Architect


Architects help make decisions. After talking to an architect, many people are surprised at their own definite ideas about what they want in a house.

Architects help you think about how a building functions. They can design a house that is flexible enough to grow with a young couple who work now, but expect children later. They can design an inexpensive, energy-efficient home for retired people on a fixed income. They can remodel a house built for one family into a house that fits two working people unrelated or unmarried.

Anyway, all I need is a builder or a contractor.


The architect is the single professional who has the training and experience to guide you through the entire building process.

Architects are the owners agent. They are the head of a team of specialists (engineers, landscape architects, contractors, etc.), but their first obligation is to look out for your interests. Architects' drawings and construction documents (some known as blueprints) set down your exact requirements so that there are no surprises-you get the house you wanted. They can help you get bids for construction based on those same requirements. They can visit the construction site to make sure the plans are followed.

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